it's a small world

Hello. You landed at and you probably know that already.

DON'T copy/rip/steal anything here, mess my tagboard with nonsense/spam (if you do I'll ban you. OR I WOULD MESS YOURS AS WELL >:-DDD)
DO drop a tag, follow my blog, follow me on Twitter. Jokes, I don't have twitter:D ENJOY!

Thanks much ;D
Monday, November 5, 2012 @ 1:16 PM

So I'm sitting here, apparently trying to study for chemistry. Failing epically. just hoping that the exam won't be too bad. well For me at least. And I thought i would be fitting to spend some time to bid you all farewell. Not like anyone reads this blog anymore. But well its been fun, and i guess confusing for you guys just trying to keep up with my melodrama and exceptionally ordinary entries. So for that I thank you. Though i hope you've had as much fun as I:)

So where to now do you ask? If you read my previous post, yes I have set up a new blog. I guess the only difference with my new blog is, well i think it just gives off a different feel. Other than that, same old same old. Just my views, my life and well whatever I seem to be thinking about. Just a warning that like Elena finally turning into a vampire, everything in my new blog will be, well heightened. Truths will be told, I will love stronger and hate with fierce passion. There will be well not bitching, more like honest opinions, name and shames. Controversial topics and what do you know. If and there are no promises here, I'm able to continue posting and feel like it, you'll also here about my promiscuous affairs and all other things taboo.

Closing, my new blog represents a new chapter, one with more honesty (to myself, i really don't care about others all that much), being able to put true feelings down in writing without the fear of retribution or judgement, which has always been an issue for me, even on my private blog and in diaries, knowing even in the comfort of my own soul i cannot be completely honest for fears and insecurities become harsh and unforgiving realities when spoken aloud. So i hope you look forward to my new beginnings and bless you all for being faithful friends and readers.

Here's hoping we will meet again:)

Love. ~LilMiSsPeRfEcTiOn

p.s. i almost forgot to give you all the new url :

ah, the sarcasm. only fitting don't you think?


So after HSC im moving away
Saturday, November 3, 2012 @ 3:56 PM

before you all go a tad bit mad, no I'm (me physically) am not moving. And for you haters out there, suck it bitches. No but seriously, my blog will be moving. In fact my last post, on this blog (though i reserve the right to re use this blog in the future, who knows, I may suddenly decide I've still got a connection to lilmissperfection. Anyway, I've got chem to study for and then a date with two beautiful ladies ;) so thats all from me today


Considering blogging more often
Friday, November 2, 2012 @ 4:13 PM

Okay, clearly exams have gone to my head. I can't wait to be finished, omg chem. Then I've got this massive list of things to do, places to see, both on my own and with others. You'd be surprised how often I want to take a day for myself call it spiritual therapy.

In the midst of waiting for my Bday presents and much appreciated cash from eager yr 11 to roll in, I've considered making my comeback to blogging a little more, well i wouldn't go as far as permanent, how about  frequent?

Though with that, I'm considering getting a new one? Well aside from the two (yes you heard right, i will now openly admit i have a secret blog) i already have, I get the feeling i want to start a new chapter in my cyber life, if you will. But at the same time I'm hesitant to give up lilmissperfection.blogspot. After all, she (personification bitches) has been with me for well, what 2-3years now? Not to mention the nick has been attached since I was my 13 year old self. 5 years is quite a long time.

Well enough of my useless babble, return fools to your meaningless and otherwise uneventful lives:)
